After accepting our invitation, Mrs. Chrysanthi Antoniou, Head of Europe Direct Information Center - Community Enterprise of Thessaloniki Municipality (Website:, visited our school 2nd High School of Aghios Athanasios in Mesimvria, Thessaloniki on the 4th of November 2019 and made a presentation to the whole school on the importance of our European Identity. She focused on what lies behind the idea of European Union and how Greek citizens as Europeans ones can travel, work or study in Europe at anytime. She also referred to Erasmus+ programs in tertiary level education as part of the educational European programs that have been implemented by the European Commission during 2014-2020. Such programs are ideal as a continuation of Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships in secondary schools, like our own on eSTEM 4.0. Last but not least, she analyzed what a Europass is (a European CV), how young people can create one of high quality, along with useful tips for a successful interview. In the end, bags with leaflets, posters and informative booklets about Europe were distributed to all students.